Dimensional measurement in manufacturing

Is it an impossible mission to check the quality of every package?

It’s no small task, that’s for sure. Just like juggling with warehouse capacity.
And how much easier it would be to work with the right SKU sizes!
But these require organised, rapid, and accurate data collection.

LAROCOM dimensional measurement helps.

Which is your company currently struggling with?

These spare no manufacturer.

But they have something in common: only accurate data can compete against them.

This is ensured by LAROCOM dimensional measurement.

"Turn over" the cards and we show you how.

100% utilised warehouse space

No more dead spaces and unused corners.

Work with pin-point accuracy

As soon as the goods arrive, they can go to the package measuring machine, which measures and records the dimensions and weight of the product.

Smart packaging

Smart = simple to use. Thanks to the accurate measurement, colleagues can work with the right item number dimensions.

No more overloaded AGVs

This means they can be used for longer and transport will be more predictable. As SKU sizes will be known before loading.

Reliable package status register

This way, there is no longer any dispute about the condition in which the packages left the warehouse. All you have to do is check the photographic package status register with brightness, weight and item number.

SKU master data management

You will have accurate master data for entire product lines, making asset management much easier.

Immediate quality control

Our AI packaging meters allow you to document the quality of your product through its image and volume. You can spot any manufacturing defects before delivery.

LAROCOM dimensional measurement with MI package measuring stations

Tailored to the needs of manufacturers

Dimension and weight measuring station that can be integrated into the conveyor belt

Drive-tru dimension measurement (Drive Thru Checking)

Hogyan működik? Elég targoncával áthajtani az MI mérőkészülék alatt. Ezalatt a lézerszenzoros kapu miliméterre pontosan leméri a raklapon érkező áru dimenzióit. Akár közvetlenül a kamionba vagy polcra helyezés előtt.

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