Dimensional measurement for 3PL providers

Let us guess!

It is impossible to control the thousands of packages that arrive in your warehouse. There is not enough time to record the data on the products being loaded, so planning warehouse capacity is a constant problem.

Solution? Fast and accurate data capture. That’s where LAROCOM dimensional measurement comes in.

Which challenges is your company currently facing?

These spare no 3PL provider.

They have one thing in common: only accurate data can compete against them.


Move the cursor over the cards and we'll show you how.

1. No more unjustified compensation and unnecessary expenditure

Only pay if the customer complaint is justified. You can now always check this, based on weight.

2. 100% utilised warehouse space

Accurate data allows every square centimetre of the warehouse to be used efficiently.

3. Goodbye, bumpy and wasteful transport processes

Provide accurate data to the courier service and improve the delivery process.

4. No more interruptions in package carrier loading

You can accurately calculate the package load of the lorry, so the delivery will not slip.

5. Optimal packaging

Colleagues have the right SKU sizes.

6. No more overloaded AGVs

The accuracy of the device almost eliminates the possibility of wrongly measured packages.

7. Easy and controlled loading and unloading

Instantly measures the size and weight of incoming goods and checks outgoing packages.

8. No more recalculations

By providing accurate size data, you can also avoid backloads. The two together can increase customer experience and satisfaction.

9. Up to 60% faster measuring and packing

Compared to manual sizing, for example when transporting irregularly shaped packages

10. Get a better bargaining position

Dimensioning lets you see trends in package size, so you can negotiate a better deal with the carrier.

11. Create a reliable package status record

There is no longer any room for debate. A photographic record of package condition with brightness, weights and article numbers proves that packages have left the warehouse intact.

This is given by the LAROCOM dimensional measurement.

LAROCOM dimensional measurement with MI package measuring stations

For 3PL providers like you

Dimensional and weight measurement station that can be integrated into the conveyor belt

Drive-tru dimension measurement (Drive Thru Checking)

We might be able to help, but do you still have questions?

Enter your contact details in the form below  and one of our experts will contact you within 24 hours. During our free telephone consultation, we will assess your company’s needs and find the solution that will give you the best return on your investment. No obligations.